General Dentistry

Helpful information on eligibility to access super (early) for dental treatments

September 20, 2023

Illumident Patient
Dr. Isabel Holmes

Dr Isabel Holmes

Principal Dentist

At Illumident Mount Gambier and Illumident Port Fairy we are proud to now offer All-on-4 dental implants to our patients. This life-changing dental implant procedure can cost more than our other treatments due to its extensive nature and the intricate craftsmanship and stages involved. ‘Costs more’ does not have to mean ‘unobtainable’ however. 

Replacing teeth, ensuring function, form and comfort, and retaining your jaw and facial structure should be accessible to everyone, which is why we offer our patients various payment plans. Whilst designed to be accommodating, these finance options might not suit all candidates for All-on-4 dental implants, but there might be another option.

This article touches on eligibility criteria and resources for accessing super early for dental treatment, on compassionate grounds. We cannot provide any financial advice, rather, what follows are resources to explore this option if you choose. It is always recommended to speak to your financial planner and or tax professional about the implications of early access to super.

When can I access my super?

Accessing super early to pay for dental treatment (such as All-on-4) may be possible if the procedure and your circumstance meet eligibility criteria. 

Generally speaking, early access to super - on compassionate grounds - may be granted if the treatment is:

  • To treat a life-threatening illness or injury, or
  • To alleviate acute or chronic pain, or,
  • To alleviate acute or chronic mental illness


  • The medical treatment is not readily available through the public health system.

You can read more about how to access super on compassionate grounds, here.

Australian Taxation Office website
Accessing super early to pay for dental treatment (such as All-on-4) may be possible if the procedure and your circumstance meet eligibility criteria.

What are the eligibility requirements to access my super?

In addition to meeting the above treatment eligibility requirements on compassionate grounds, you will need to ensure:

  • You are or were an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • You have not yet paid for the medical expense
  • You are not able to pay for some or part the treatment without accessing your super - i.e. you are unable to sell down shares, obtain a loan, access savings or credit, or sell assets to pay entirely for the treatment
  • You provide all of the supporting documentation and evidence required. For compassionate grounds this will include an itemised quote dated within and before six months of the claim date, or an unpaid invoice - no more than 30 days old, and, two medical reports advising the necessity for the treatment, as well as a copy of your dental treatment plan.

You can read more about these requirements in detail here. 

How can I access my super? What are the steps? 

You can apply by following the steps here, or alternatively, you can pay for a company to investigate your eligibility and guide you through the application process. Please note that Illumident is not associated with any of these companies, nor do we endorse their services.

We’re here to help, but please speak with your financial advisor

If you require All-on-4 dental implants or other essential dental treatment to relieve acute or chronic pain, you could look into our payment plans, or you might be able to access your superannuation early on compassionate grounds. At Illumident we are able to guide you through both options, and we will provide the comprehensive medical information required to meet eligibility criteria. Regardless of the option you choose, speak with your financial planner or tax professional first to ensure you’re aware of all implications.

Still have questions about the payment options available to you?

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