General Dentistry

The Child Dental Benefits Scheme - how it can help your children access dental treatment for free

September 8, 2023

Illumident Patient
Dr. Isabel Holmes

Dr Isabel Holmes

Principal Dentist

Access to ongoing dental care is incredibly important for general health, and as such we are proud to support and participate in the Australian government-funded Child Dental Benefits Schedule. 

This scheme sees eligible families receive financial support ($1052 total, over two calendar years, per child) towards essential and specific dental treatments for their children, from birth and continuing until the child turns 18 years old. 

Illumident Mount Gambier and Illumident Port Fairy are so pleased to provide our elevated dentistry to patients big and small - everyone deserves a bright, healthy smile.

Child Dental Benefits Scheme eligibility

If your child is eligible for this scheme, you are likely to have already been contacted via email or through the post.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Your child being eligible for Medicare
  • Your child is aged between 0-17 inclusive for at least one day of the current calendar year
  • You or your parent receives a payment from Services Australia at least once each year

If you believe your child/ren might be eligible - read more about eligibility here, and then contact Medicare.

Is your child eligible and due for a dental check-up?

Make an appointment and we’ll provide the gentlest and most caring treatment for the brightest of smiles.

Book now

Child Dental Benefit Scheme treatments 

The treatments covered by the child dental benefit are essential in nature, and we look forward to providing warm, tailored dentistry to your little (or teenage) one during all of them at our luxe dental clinic.

Treatments covered include:

Your child’s comfort and oral health is our priority, and the cost of their twice-yearly dental check-up with us will be easily covered by this child dental scheme. Prevention is always better than cure - and maintaining your child’s oral health, with the aid of this schedule will ensure continued positive dental health outcomes throughout their childhood.

Kids smiling on dentist chair at Illumident Mount Gambier.
Maintaining your child’s oral health, with the aid of this schedule will ensure continued positive dental health outcomes throughout their childhood.

How to use the child dental benefits schedule

We make it simple to use the child dental scheme. After your child’s initial dental check-up and clean - which will be pleasant and comfortable, ensuring a great first-time experience - our Front Office Team will process the benefit for you, leaving you with no out of pocket expenses. 

If you’ve already used the allocated $1052, or most of it, we will speak with you about our payment plans for the treatment cost, and for any future required treatments, as noted on your child’s treatment plan. 

Knowledge is power however, so be sure to check your child dental benefit scheme balance with Medicare, by accessing your mygov account, before attending.

Treatments not covered by the Child Dental Benefit Scheme

If your child requires dental treatment that is not covered by the scheme - such as orthodontic, cosmetic, or that which requires a hospital visit, or if you’ve exceeded your $1052 threshold and your child needs immediate dental treatment, please talk with us about our payment plans. We will work with you to explore your finance options, as we believe everyone deserves access to healthy teeth and a bright beautiful smile. 

Kids dental visits can be enjoyable!

This is a definite fact, aided by our comfortable, warm environment (pop in and see for yourself at 29 Ferrers St, Mount Gambier or 105 Regent St, Port Fairy) - and our exceptional Oral Health Therapists who specialise in children's dentistry. There’ll be no gritting of teeth - just loads of smiles, and an eagerness to return in six months!

A child attends their regular dental visit at Illumident Mount Gambier.
We are so pleased to provide our elevated dentistry to patients big and small - everyone deserves a bright, healthy smile.

Twice yearly dental visits will see your child’s teeth maintained, and any issues addressed immediately. When it comes to tooth decay - a common problem in childhood - swift action is always the best action.

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